
Technical Projects for Service Contracts

Facility management Euromed Group
Servizi di pulizia Euromed Group
Servizi mensa Euromed Group
Servizi alla persona Euromed Group

Analysis of invitations to tender

We offer a tender analysis service, studying in detail the requirements, conditions and opportunities in each tender.

Our team of experts will carefully examine each document, identifying key points and possible critical issues, to ensure that your company can submit a competitive bid in line with the requirements of the issuing body.

Thanks to our experience in the sector, we can provide strategic advice and support in evaluating participation opportunities, thus increasing your company’s chances of success.

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Development of technical projects

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We are dedicated to developing detailed and customised technical projects, with a specific focus on tenders for Facility Management, Cleaning Services, Canteen Management and Personal Services.

Our team of experts works closely with clients to fully understand their needs and capabilities, ensuring the creation of proposals that meet the tender requirements and highlight your company’s strengths.

With a focus on innovation, we work with our clients to develop cutting-edge and sustainable solutions.

Our goal is to support clients in creating bids that highlight the quality, efficiency and sustainability of the proposed services, thereby increasing the chances of winning the contract and ensuring success in the procurement market.

Technical visits

We undertake thorough and in-depth technical inspections in order to assess the conditions and requirements on site for tender-related projects.

Our team of experts will carefully analyse the situation on the ground, identifying any challenges, constraints or opportunities that could influence the tender preparation or project implementation.

Through this detailed analysis, we are able to provide clients with valuable information and specific recommendations to ensure proper planning and effective project implementation.

By opting for our technical inspection service, you can secure crucial support in the evaluation and management of procurement risks.


Quality control and monitoring

Servizi Export manager
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Euromed Group Ltd. offers quality control and monitoring services to ensure that contracting projects are carried out to the required standards and client expectations.

Our expert team of qualified and dedicated professionals will continuously supervise and assess the quality of services and deliverables, identifying any problems or areas for improvement and providing appropriate solutions and recommendations to ensure project success.

Thanks to our experience in different sectors, we understand the challenges and opportunities in the procurement market.

Through constant monitoring, we ensure that projects are implemented efficiently, sustainably and in accordance with tender requirements and client expectations, thus contributing to their long-term success.

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